Saturday 12 November 2011

How to Add Cool iPhone FlagCounter to Blog

Hi all I hope you all are fine and enjoying the great day...

If you have any blog or web and if you want to know from which part of the world user visiting you so that you can improve the content and even increase the visitors.
If not above listed any thing works for you ; you can just decorate your site by using it :)
As you can see there is an iphone flagcounter at right side of my blog (Oops! Its not showing many flags  because my blog is still an infant and i dont have many visitors but soon it is going to change :) )


So follow the below steps for adding a flag counter-
1. ADD a New HTML / JavaScript gadget.

2.Go to this site-
3.Select the flag style
4.fill the category of your blog
5. A new window will popup
6. Copy paste the given code to your blog's java script widget.
7. Save and preview :)
8. Do visit my blog again Please.. :)

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